What is the state of cancer treatment in Zimbabwe and what is the scale of the cancer burden? Here are a few facts:
How many public health facilities offer Radiotherapy treatment?
There are only two public facilities with capacity to offer radio therapy treatment in the country. These are the Radiotherapy Centre at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, which caters for the population in the northern part of the country, and the Radiotherapy Centre at Mpilo Central Hospital, designated for the Southern part of Zimbabwe.
Parirenyatwa has three radiotherapy machines. However, since January 17, 2022, radio therapy services have not been available at Parirenyatwa due to equipment breakdown. According to information provided by the hospital, both the spares and the engineers to fix the machinery are not available locally.
Oncocare Zimbabwe is the only private facility currently offering radiotherapy treatment in the country.
Radiotherapy or radiation therapy is one type of treatment that is used to destroy cancer cells and reduce their growth using radiation. A patient can require both chemotherapy and radiotherapy during treatment.
What do statistics say on cancer cases in Zimbabwe?
According to the Zimbabwe Cancer Registry 2017 Annual Report, published in 2020, the latest data available, the country recorded 7659 new cancer cases in 2017. Of these cases, 42.7% were male and 57.3% were female. According to the report, the frequently occurring cancers among all races include cervix uteri which accounted for 20% of the recorded cases, followed by prostate cancer 10%, breast cancer 8%, karposi sarcoma 5%, non-Hodgkin lymphoma 5%, colo-rectal 4% and liver 3%.
Below are data tables of cancer cases that have been recorded from 2005 to 2017
Source: Zimbabwe Cancer Registry 2017 Annual Report
Is machinery imported for health services duty free?
According to Statutory Instrument 63 of 2018, rebate of duty is granted for plant, equipment or machinery which is used or will be exclusively for the health sector in the provision of health services as the minister may approve, in consultation with the minister responsible for health.
Conditions of the rebate
- If the capital equipment imported under these regulations has not been commissioned within 6 months from the date of importation, duty and VAT become due and payable.
- No person to whom a rebate has been granted shall sell or dispose of the equipment within 10 years of the date of its entry under rebate without prior written permission from the Commissioner.
- The applicant must be registered by ZIMRA as a Taxpayer and should have a valid Tax Clearance Certificate.
Procedure for Applying for the rebate
For an importer to benefit from this rebate, an application must be made to the proper customs officer with the following documents:
a) An application letter signed by the importer
b) A valid tax clearance,
c) Approval from the ministry of finance,
d) A letter from the responsible ministry for that industry ( e.g. from ministry of agriculture),
e) A declaration clearly stating the use to which equipment will be used for, and
f) A letter of undertaking that if the equipment is used for other purposes other than for which a rebate was granted duty due will be paid forthwith.
Who can benefit from this rebate?
- A registered taxpayer with ZIMRA who has a valid tax clearance
- Importers in the following sectors: Mining, Manufacturing or industrial, Health, Agriculture and Energy. – Source: Zimra Website
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