Claim: A local newspaper reported that Zimbabwe’government had announced that “it is now mandatory for motorists to first purchase a radio licence before acquiring vehicle insurance cover or policy unless there is an exemption from the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC)”.
Is this true or false?
Verdict: Misleading, because there is no legislation yet for that.
The report which cites statements made by the Minister of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Jenfan Muswere in a Post-Cabinet briefing is misleading as the Minister’s statements are not yet law, but proposed amendments to the Broadcasting Services Act by Cabinet.
The Minister said: “The additional amendments will, among other provisions, provide for the following … broadening and introducing new definitions under Section 38A; and prohibition of the sale of motor vehicle registration licence or motor vehicle insurance cover or policy to a person without a current radio licence or an exemption from ZBC under Section 38B,”
This therefore means the proposals have to go through the law-making process, where they may or may not be approved by legislators.
What is the current reading of section on broadcasting licenses that government intends to expand?
Section 38A of the broadcasting Services Act defines the key actors and in the issuance of licenses while 38B outlines the terms of the licensing of listeners as indicated below:
(1) No listener shall have in his possession in Zimbabwe a receiver otherwise than in accordance with the terms and conditions of a licence issued by the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation or by agents of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation.
(2) The fees payable on the issue of licences referred to in subsection (1) shall be fixed by the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation with the approval of the Minister by statutory instrument and the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation may fix different fees for different prescribed classes of listeners:
Provided that the Minister may, after consultation with the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, exempt any class of listeners from payment of all or any of the fees referred to in this subsection.
(3) Subsection (3) shall not apply to a listener¾
(a) who is a bona fide tourist residing outside Zimbabwe and who has brought a receiver temporarily into Zimbabwe for a period not exceeding three months; or
(b) whose receiver is capable of use solely in connection with a diffusion service.
Broadcasting Services Act
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