Fact Check: Yes, Zimbabwe tops Southern Africa’s migration rankings

Claim: The Chief of Mission of the International Organisation of Migration (IOM) in Zimbabwe, Dyane Epstein, said IOM has noted a significant rise in migration in Southern Africa, with Zimbabwe having the highest number of migrants, according to a local media platform Nhau in a story without any backing statistics.

Is this true or false?

Verdict: True

According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) 2022 World Report, Zimbabwe has the highest number of emigrants in Southern Africa with many seeking economic opportunities both within the region and abroad.

Although South Africa has the largest migration activity in the region, most of the people recorded are migrating to the country to seek better living conditions.

In another report, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) reported that Zimbabwe accounts for 14% of immigrants residing in Southern African as indicated below. 

The report also shows that South Africa is the top destination of emigrants in Southern Africa, accounting for 23% of the emigrants ahead of United Kingdom’s 9%.

What is driving people to leave their countries?  

IOM lists the following as key push factors:

  • Insecurity
  • lack of economic livelihood
  • drought and crop failure

What are the pull factors attracting people to leave their countries? 

  • Higher wages
  • Better employment opportunities,
  • Higher standard of living
  • Educational opportunities.


According to the latest available data, Zimbabwe ranks as the highest contributor of migration in Southern African region.


International Organisation for Migration
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

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