The world is experiencing climate-related disasters – including floods, droughts and wildfires – with increasing frequency and intensity, due to climate change.
Zimbabwe has not been spared such disasters. In 2019, the country was badly hit by Cyclone Idai, which affected more than 270 000 people and claimed more than 300 lives. Droughts have also been a recurring phenomenon, with millions of Zimbabweans suffering chronic food insecurity.
A 2015 publication titled Climate Change in Zimbabwe, Facts for Planners and Decision Makers produced by the Research Advocacy Unit, notes that in Zimbabwe, climate change will cause average temperatures to rise and the annual rainfall will fall.
“Annual rainfall could decline by between 5% and 18%, especially in the south. Rainfall will become more variable. There will be an increase in droughts, floods and storms. This will affect Zimbabwe’s food security, health, energy supply and the economy,” notes the publication.
World leaders will, from October 31 and November 12, 2021, meet in Glasgow, Scotland for the 26th United Nations climate change conference.
Here is a list of organisations that dealing with climate change issues in various sectors in Zimbabwe
- Climate Change Management Department is a government department under the ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry. The department is responsible for formulation of climate related policies and strategies, coordinate climate change research and adaptation projects, among others. The department works with various non-governmental and international organisations in climate related issues.
- Africa Youth Initiative on Climate Change is a youth led organisation that focuses on advocacy on climate change issues which include awareness workshops, smart agriculture
- Act Alliance is a faith based organisation that disseminates climate related information to faith based institutions
- Zimbabwe Youth Biodiversity Network works to connect, empower and support youth across Zimbabwe to take action on biodiversity and related issues. We, organize workshops to train young people, and participate as youth delegation at local and international biodiversity negotiations to hold our government accountable and to support government led initiatives
- Advocates4Earth is a non governmental organisation dealing with issues that include climate , environmental law and wildlife justice.
- Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association is a non-governmental organisation that helps marginalised communities to claim their environmental, economic, social and cultural rights within the natural resources and environmental sector. Climate change and energy programme is one of their operational programme areas.
- Young Volunteers for the Environment is a youth led non-governmental organisation that advocates for climate justice in communities.
- OXFAM is an international organisation whose thrust is to address the root causes of poverty. It’s work include providing humanitarian response in the wake of a crisis, secure livelihoods by capacitating small holder farmers especially youths and women.
- Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)is an international organisation and is involved in programs and projects in sectors which include agriculture, nutrition, forestry and animal production. One is its priority area in programming is increasing Resilience and uptake of Climate Smart Agriculture.
- Action Aid is an international organisation that has been responding to food and climate crisis in various countries including Zimbabwe.
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