Factsheet: What about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Newsrooms

Global advances in technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), have revolutionised operations of the media industry. There have been notable changes in how news is gathered, packaged and disseminated by journalists and media houses. This factsheet outlines some of the ways in which media organisations are using AI.

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence is the use of computer powered systems to execute algorithms that learn from data to use perception, reasoning and creativity to help solve problems.

AI refers to the ability of computers to carry out tasks ordinarily done by skilled workers.

Use of AI in the newsrooms  

  • Some platforms have started using speech to text applications to convert audio-visuals into text for easier processing. This tool makes it easier for them to capture exact details of what was said by sources.
  • Use of chatbots to get feedback on stories or to get insights on story developments occurring in remote locations. This helps journalists and media houses to assess the impact of their stories and to analyze storylines to pursue or follow up on.
  • Use of Google analytics to keep track of trending stories and storylines to help them make decisions on what stories to priorities in their coverage.
  • AI has been used to compile complex information into infographics which have made it easier for their audience to understand big data.
  • There are editing tools that have helped journalists clean up their copy, which has increased efficiency of the editing process.
  • Some newsrooms have adopted AI generated newsreaders to lighten the workload where there is shortage on personnel. 

Discussions emerging over AI

  • AI will help improve productivity and effectiveness
  • AI has the potential to advance inclusivity and empowerment
  • Fears that AI may replace some jobs
  • Will AI be relevant, relatable and contextual in Africa and the media
  • Will the adoption of AI protect privacy and digital rights
  • Will AI contribute to the growing trends of misinformation and disinformation

What is Zimbabwe doing about AI?

Currently Zimbabwe does not have any laws, regulations or policies that are specifically focused on artificial intelligence (AI). However, the government says it is in the process of developing a national AI policy to help govern the use of the internet and other emerging technologies within the country.

Section 3.9b of Zimbabwe’s new ICT policy (2021-2025) states that the government is working on a legal framework for AI deployment across various sectors, including e-learning, e-health, e-business, as well as broader political, social and economic applications.

While the Cyber and Data Protection Act (2021) does not specifically mention artificial intelligence (AI), it has established a foundation for governing data collection, processing, and protection – which are core components of many AI systems.


Media Institute of Southern Africa Zimbabwe (MISA)
Cyber and Data Protection Act
Centre for Innovation and Technology


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