FACTSHEET – Zim parties have committed to promoting women in elections. The number of female by-election candidates suggests otherwise

Zimbabwean political parties say they are committed to promoting gender equality, including the participation of women in national and local council elections. But the number of women candidates in the forthcoming by-elections shows there is still a long way to go in achieving that aspiration.

Below is a table with the number of both men and women contesting in the by-elections.

Gender aggregation for vacant seats

 Number of FemalesNumber of MalesTotal Number of Candidates
National Assembly16102118
Local Authorities  
Bulawayo Municipality132740
Chitungwiza Municipality11415
Epworth Local Board178
Harare Municipality166480
Buhera RDC22
Chipinge Town Council5914
Makoni RDC22
Mutare Municipality61723
Mutasa RDC33
Nyanga RDC112
Bindura Municipality235
Bindura RDC22
Guruve RDC123
Mazowe RDC22
Pfura RDC112
Muzarabani RDC22
Chikomba RDC44
Hedza RDC33
Marondera Municipality31720
Murewa RDC22
Chegutu Municipality5813
Chegutu RDC44
Karoi Town Council123
Chinhoyi Municipality41317
Kadoma City Council22
Zvimba RDC66
Bikita RDC22
Chiredzi RDC55
Chivi RDC134
Masvingo Municipality31316
Bubi RDC134
Vic. Falls Municipality55
Beit Bridge Municapility134
Gwanda Municipality44
Insiza RDC77
Umzingwane RDC22
Takawira RDC134
Gokwe North RDC22
Gweru Municipality33
Kwekwe Municipality31114
Zibagwe RDC22
Mberengwa RDC44
Tongogara RDC22

 Source : Zimbabwe Electoral Commission website, Political Parties

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