Zimbabwean officials receive a consignment of medical supplies donated by the Jack Ma Foundation in Harare on March 24, 2020
The Zimbabwe government has appealed for international and domestic assistance to help it fight the Coronavirus pandemic which has devastated the world and forced many countries to lock down residents at home.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) is urging African states to mobilise all possible resources to fight Covid-19, fearing that countries, particularly those with dilapidated and dysfunctional public health systems, will struggle to stem the spread of the disease.
Below is a snapshot of some of the donations that Zimbabwe has received as of 30 March:
Source/Partner | Nature of Donation |
The European Union | An additional US$41.5 million to the Health Development Fund, which is jointly managed by UNICEF and UNFPA, after an initial US$4 million donation to fight COVID-19 |
The Global Fund | US$25 million |
African Medallion Group | US$5 million (five million dollars) |
Chinese Embassy and Chinese business community | Upgrading of Wilkins Infectious Diseases Hospital US$500,000 and sourcing of medical equipment |
Ecosure, a subsidiary of Zimbabwe mobile phone operator Econet | Personal Protective Equipment for all doctors and nurses;free transport for nurses and doctors to commute to work and in sanitised vehicles;Life and health insurance in the form of a cash benefit of Z$500 per day, for each day of hospitalisation, and a lump sum benefit of $50,000 in the event of permanent disability and eventual death caused by any accident;A cash benefit of up to $30,000 in the event of death arising from any other cause apart from accidents, and 100 percent education scholarships for the children of any medical practitioner who takes up this offer to work in public hospitals or clinics at this time, should they pass on during this period. |
Department for International Development (DFID, UK) | Donation of protective equipment and clothing worth £100,000 to Wilkins Hospital |
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) | US$470,000 pledge |
Jack Ma & Alibaba Foundation | 20,000 test kits, 100,000 face masks and 10,000 protective suits and face shields |
Zimbabwean telecommunications companies Econet, NetONE, Telecel through the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (POTRAZ) and Ministry of ICT, Postal and Courier Services | Assorted equipment inclusive of computers, servers, mobile handsets, toll-free mobile and landlines, shortcodes for COVID-19, a call centre and internet connectivity meant to operate the national emergency response centre |
UN Agencies (WHO, UNDP,UNICEF) | The World Health Organisation (WHO) and other UN agencies like the UNDP and UNICEF have contributed to mitigation efforts through interventions such as: supporting the health response through the procurement and supply of essential health products; strengthening crisis management and response;training health workers across the country on case management of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases; monitoring, strategic planning, provision of safety and educational guidelines and updated information; training of emergency responders, and effective co-ordination of the COVID-19 response. Support from the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Zimbabwe is also being channelled through the WHO and UNICEF. |
Sakunda Holdings | Renovating and equipping Rock Foundation Medical Centre and St Anne’s Hospital in Harare to deal with COVID-19 patients. |
National Social Security Authority | Has made its Ekusileni Medical Centre in Bulawayo for COVID-19 treatment.Its Beitbridge hotel will be used as a transit isolation centre for returning residents coming through the border with South Africa. |
Medical Aid Society of Central Africa (Masca) | Is leading an initiative to refurbish and equip Mater Dei Hospital in Bulawayo, to set up an isolation and treatment wing for coronavirus patients. |
Global Solar Private Limited | – Installation of a solar system at Wilkins Hospital The company also pledged to:Donate rechargeable light bulbs for Wilkins Hospital and all hospitals earmarked for the Coranavirus response; Provide solar-powed boreholes and water systems for these facilities; and contribute U.S.$500 towards buying ventilators. |
Citizens’ Initiative | Mobilisation of finances, medical equipment and protective clothing for health workers in health institutions around the country inclusive of, but not limited to Bulawayo, Masvingo, Mutare. |
Green Fuel Fossil ZimBitumen World | 10,000 litres of hand sanitisers for hospitals nationally knapsack sprayers and 15,000 tonnes of disinfectants 40,000 litres of diesel |
Tell us about the support initiatives in your areas, giving details of area and assistance mobilised.
COVID-19 is a respiratory tract infection that is highly contagious and spreads through droplets (coughing, sneezing) and close personal unprotected contact with an infected person (touching, shaking hands etc).
Signs and symptoms are typically respiratory related symptoms and include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and other flu-like symptoms. For more information about COVID-19 visit https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus and for daily updates from the Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Case visit http://www.mohcc.gov.zw
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