Non-Governmental Organisations in Zimbabwe

There are over 1,000 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in Zimbabwe across a range of areas.  These include humanitarian aid, service organisations, and political governance.

This broad range of NGOs can be identified by their registration or main objectives; but often overlap within the different categories. Three organizational types define NGOs in Zimbabwe and these are Private Voluntary Organisations (PVOs), Trusts and Common Law Universitas.

PVOs are registered under the Private and Voluntary Organisations Act through the Department of Social Welfare under the Ministry of Labor and Social Services. These are mandated under the law to conduct humanitarian work, charity, human rights work and legal aid for the benefit of the public, families, individuals and animals. It is mandatory for organisations conducting this type of work to register under the PVO Act. Penalties can be imposed on a group that carries out any of these activities without registration. Foreign organisations working in Zimbabwe are required to conclude a memorandum of understanding with the government.

PVOs however face challenges because of the potential for government control and censorship. This situation is best illustrated with the suspension of the Association of Women’s Clubs (AWC) one of Zimbabwe’s oldest women’s organisations by the government in 1995. On the 2nd of November 1995, AWC which had a reported membership of close to 40,000 was suspended under the PVO Act. A government gazette announced the suspension of the Executive Committee and replaced them with those deemed “loyal” to ZANU PF.  The organizations funds were frozen until the suspension was lifted by a court ruling in 1997.

PVOs make up the vast majority of NGOs in the country with a 2014 study by the EU and NANGO indicating that there are around 993 registered PVOs. The vast majority of these, according to the Zimbabwe Human Development Report of 2000 are community based NGOs. Trusts and Unions according to the same report make up just five percent of the total.

Some NGOs in Zimbabwe are registered as Trusts by the Registrar of Deeds under the Deeds Registries Act. Trusts may have unlimited objectives and are intended to benefit an identifiable constituency. Charitable trusts have proved to be a headache for the government and there have been several instances where the government has tried to place these types of NGOs under the ambit of the PVO Act.  According to a paper by Roselyn Mhlanga of Kanokanga and Partners law firm, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Labor in 2009 issued a “Joint Memorandum re: Amendment to the PVO Act   and the Deeds Registries Act”. The memo proposed that trusts which fall within the definition of a PVO must be obliged to register as PVOs.

Universitas are organisations that have members and a constitution, unregistered but with a common-law persona. This type of NGO is not regulated by Statute and are a product of Common Law.

International non-governmental organisations make up 4% of the total number of NGOs in the country. The UNOCHA Zimbabwe Humanitarian Contact Directory of 2012, listed 93 International Non-Governmental Organisations working in Zimbabwe. Intervention areas of these organisations include those working in Agriculture, Food, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Water sanitation and health (WASH) and Education.

Adapted from:, “State of Civil Society Study 2008”

The growth and development of civil society in Zimbabwe can be linked to the historical period in which they arose from the colonial to the post-independence period. While the various organisations developed at different periods, those from preceding years have continued to operate alongside newer forms of civil society.


Development of NGOs from the 1930s – 2000s



What issues do these organisations work on?

The different organisations work on a plethora of issues, with the Zimbabwe Human Development of 2000 report noting that organisations working on education and training made up the majority of organisations, followed by those working on gender and women’s rights.

Sector %
Education and training 18
Women and Gender 17
Health 14
Children and youth 11
Poverty alleviation 10
Environment and agriculture 7
Good governance, human rights and democracy 5
Research and documentation 5

Sourced from the Zimbabwe Human Development Report, 2000

Women’s rights and gender

Today, over 100 women’s organisations operate in Zimbabwe, with the largest coalition (Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe – WcoZ) with a membership of around 70 organisations.  Organizing for women started during the colonial period with one of the oldest organisations, the Association of Women’s Clubs (AWC) starting in 1938. The first decade of independence after 1980 saw more women’s groups operating, driven by challenges within the post-independence state.  The Women’s Action Group (WAG) for example began operations in 1983 following an operation titled “Operation Clean-Up” that saw women being arrested. Women who were seen in public spaces were rounded up as authorities claimed to be “cleaning” up the streets of “prostitutes”. Other organisations were created in this decade including the Federation of African Women Zimbabwe (FAMWZ) formed in 1985, Musasa Project formed in 1988, Women and Law in Southern Africa created in 1989, among others.


The late 1990s saw a growth in organisations focusing on governance issues.  While these made up just 5% of civil society in 2000, the number has since risen with varying statistics indicating that these organisations may occupy as much as 10% of the civic space. Organisations formed from the late 1990s include the National Constitutional Assembly and the Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe formed in 1998 and 1999 respectively, focusing on constitutional reform. A Zimbabwe Institute study of 2008 categorized governance NGOs into 10 categories which are:

  • Governance
  • Human Rights
  • Civic education
  • Media
  • Faith-based organisations
  • Women’s Organisations and gender
  • Labor Unions
  • Professional Associations
  • Residents’ Associations
  • Student’s and Youth organisations

These varied organisations have formed coalitions around issues of interest which include, the Human Rights NGO Forum, Crisis Coalition Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Election Support Network, the Women’s Coalition, and the Media Alliance of Zimbabwe among others.

The civic space in Zimbabwe continues to change with an increasing trend towards social media activism, the height which was felt during civil unrest in the country in July 2016. These protest movements under various hashtags such as #ThisFlag, #Tajamuka and #ShutDownZim reflect this trend. The longevity of these movements is yet to be tested given the ephemeral nature of social media, which makes their impact, powerful, though short-lived.

Factsheet prepared by Patience Zirima, director of Zimbabwe Media Monitors.

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72 thoughts on “Non-Governmental Organisations in Zimbabwe

  1. Samantha Kanoyangwa

    - Edit

    Great article, thank you! Out of interest, which route would be best for a youth organization to take? There has been an evaluation of all 3 possibilities, but what is the writers view? which is the “best”? i think universitas.

  2. Hello. I am looking for an organization that will assist me in developing a water well and small farm irrigation for a family/village In Hwange District Zimbabwe. Do you have any suggestions?

  3. For - instance

    - Edit

    Hi.I am from Chipinge ,Musani Birirano ward,Chief Mutema ,village Bamhamire.. I want to start projects that will make the people in and around our area to support themselves and develop their area.

  4. Tozivepi Muringa

    - Edit

    I have around the world working in tourism, how possible is it to join your organisation under humanitarian aid
    Thank you in advance

  5. Tozivepi Muringa

    - Edit

    I have been around the world working in tourism, how possible is it to join your organisation under humanitarian aid
    Thank you in advance

  6. Angelina Bongani

    Hi I’m trying to have a project in my homeland Insuza 80km from Bulawayo along Victoria Falls Rd.The project is for farming crops and chickens to create jobs and changing lives.
    For help and assistance contact; [email protected]

  7. Talent Kanjanda

    - Edit

    hi, I am a lady aged 24.and am currently doing food science..I am willing to join your organization. how do I join..?

  8. Ephraim Machera

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    I am a qualified Monitoring and Evaluation and project management graduate. Want to do voluntary in any NGO

  9. hi, am a student studying Development so interested in your organisation and would like to join you as an attachee… can i join this wonderful organisation

  10. hi am looking for small scale egg producers around Zimbabwe to appoint focal persons for NGO in their respective rural areas. Applicant should be backyard egg production farmer in rural areas. App: 0783001327

  11. Angeline mutyambizi

    - Edit

    HELLO, I am a social work student currently studying towards a Bachelor'[s degree in Social Work, I am looking for attachment in any field of Social Work to begin January 2021

  12. Hello l am a psychology student currently studying towards a bachelor’s degree in psychology, lam looking for attachment in any field in psychology to being January 2021

  13. Hello .. lam a physiotherapy student looking for an opportunity to join your organization under the Health sector .l will honoured to work with you.

  14. Please Is there anyway i can get the email addresses of all the non goverment organisations based in Harare? Thankyou

  15. Hello , I am a social work student currently studying towards a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, I am looking for attachment in any field of Social Work to begin February 2021

  16. Hello ,I am a social work student currently studying towards a Bachelor’s degree in Social work , Im looking for attachment in any field of S ocial work to begin September 2021

  17. Please is there anyway i can get the email addresses of all the Non-Governmental Organisations in Harare

  18. Pingback: Zimbabwe’s NGOs Fight government attempt to control and ban them - GOOD NEWS NIGERIA

  19. Am 23 years young man from Victoria Falls… I want to start projects that will make the people in and around our area to help themselves….now am starting a small fruits and vegetables shop. thank you.

  20. Dorcas Takudzwa Hove

    - Edit

    Hie i am Dorcas Takudzwa Hove. I am 23 years Old..i graduated with Bachelor of Social Work Degree from Univesrity of Zimbabwe. I am from Harare…i am willing to join your organisations…

  21. I am currently lookimg for a job in the NGO sector.l did a degree in occupational health and safety

  22. Petricia Jamela

    - Edit

    Am very much interested. I am 26years old lady from Beit Bridge. I have a certificate in emergency medical dispatcher. Would like any help from you. I always help orphans and the needy but don’t have much to give hence secure job Wil help me fulfill my passion

  23. Sizakhele Tawusa

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    Hi I’m Sizakhele. Studying development studies at Great Zimbabwe university . I’m looking for an attachment in your fields starting 2024

  24. Ndere Keresencia

    - Edit

    Hello ,I am Keresencia Ndere having a diploma in Information Technology studied at Kwekwe poly . I’m looking for a job at your organisations

  25. anotidaishe mavesere

    - Edit

    hie im anotidaishe mavesere.studying science in child development and psychology at the university of zimbabwe,i want to join your group please

  26. HI am Kudzai Chitarara.Studying DEVELOPMENT STUDIES at GREAT ZIMBABWE UNIVERSITY in Zimbabwe am looking for an attachment in your fields staring October 2022

  27. How are you, i am Leopa Randazha and i am a student at Womens University In Africa and i am currently studying social work(KBSW).i would like to join groups if are they are any.Thank You

  28. i am Leopa these non governmental organizations are very helpful to people as they deeply get to people and are able to assist people with different problems moreover these organizations are non descriminative which vert good for the people who need help as they would be able to open up about their problems

  29. Nkosikhona Bhebhe

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    W thank you for the hard work that is being done to give hope to the world out there mainly the less privileged may God continue to Bless the work that you doing and please do not get tired we need such people/ NGOs like you ( would wish to be part of the movement if given an opportunity )

  30. morton tongai mutepfa

    - Edit

    NGOs are champions of human life enhancement.With their assistance a lot of communities have been will be nice to partake a job or volunteering work with NGOs.

  31. My name is kudzai Chapwanya. I have completed my development studies degree. Am seeking employment within any organisation related to my degree

  32. We are looking for students on attachment for our organisation. Positions in Domboshava, Goromonzi, Seke and Norton

  33. Hie I’m Evelyn Gomondo.I have completed my Bachelor Honours Degree in looking for a job related to my qualification

  34. I am Altrust Bote and l do have an executive certificate in project management, monitoring and evaluation. I am kindly seeking for attachment in any well known non govermental organization so that l can get experience.

  35. Joana Mvongwe

    - Edit

    I am Joana Mvongwe and I’m studying Development Studies I am kindly seeking for attachment in any well known non govermental organization so that l can get experience and persue my studies.

  36. Tafadzwa Mupeti

    - Edit

    Im looking for attachment for August 2023 for social work degree (0787374340) anywhere around Harare or marondera/domboshava

  37. Hie people,I am Tekwani Mark I did safety,health and environmental management degree.I am looking for job. ±263782522126

  38. You are giving hope to many. Can you please be practical in your aid. I believe I have anonymous academic potential but am from the village. My O and A level ZIMSEC prowess recommends me

  39. Greetings,
    I currently studying Social work at Zimbabwe EZEKIEL GUTI UNIVERSITY. I’m kindly looking for an attachment in August 2024 in your field so that I get experience.

  40. Pingback: How to Register an NGO in Zimbabwe? - NGO Report

  41. I would like to enter any NGO because i have many ideas to share on how to improve our standard of living eg on poverty , many children not attending or finishing there education because of poverty, people dying from hunger, lack of employment


    - Edit

    I’m a student at great Zimbabwe university studying peace, conflict and governance degree .I’m looking for attachment, with a period of year.

  43. Hello . I am a psychology student at Great Zimbabwe University and I am looking for an attachment post at your organization

  44. I’m a student at Lupane state university studying geography and population studies. I’m looking for attachment at your organisation

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