FACTSHEET: What are schools expected to do to control COVID-19?

The Zimbabwean government has allowed schools to reopen for face-to-face classes after the easing of a third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it ordered the schools and colleges to observe strict guidelines to help control the spread of the virus.

However, some teachers unions say some of the rules exist on paper, facilities and PPEs are inadequate and schools are struggling to follow them.

These are some of the revised guidelines which the health and education authorities have prescribed for the schools and colleges:

  • Ensure that Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) is in place and in adequate quantities.
  • Ensure decongestion, by arranging learners to attend school on alternate days and in sessions for all mega schools with examination classes attending on a daily basis.
  • Conduct COVID-19 awareness refresher training sessions for deputy heads, teachers and school health coordinators
  • Conduct awareness sessions for everyone in the school, including school parents assemblies.
  • Disinfect school premises, including hostels and sanitize frequently touched surfaces.
  • Provide infrared thermometers and ensure screening of every person that enters the school premises.
  • Designate a holding bay for any learner, member of staff or visitor identified to be unwell.
  • Establish and fully monitor sick bays in boarding schools
  • Display the contact details for the nearest health care facility or team.
  • Provide litter bins for every class and in strategic areas.
  • Provide hand washing facilities for every class and washing station at every entry point.
  • Ensure the availability of liquid soap, hand sanitizers at every entry point and enforce the wearing of masks by all students, staff and visitors.
  • Limit visit to schools to only those that are essential and encourage social distancing measures and maintaining accurate contact register

The ministries of health and education have said they will monitor developments in the schools and colleges and will respond to COVID-19 all cases there to protect both students and staff.

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